MedSIN Annual Conference Cambridge Saturday 3rd November Projects to Provide Essential Medicines in Developing Countries Chair Dr David Barnes: Medecins Du Monde Mike Rowson: Health and Globalisation Nathan Ford: Overview of the Access to Medicines Crisis Dr. Nancy Tokola: Access to Pharmaceuticals in Emerging Democracies: Central and Eastern Europe General Discussion and Questions Panel Debate - This House Believes That Drug Companies Are Entitled To Defend Their Patent Rights In Developing Countries Chair: Mr. C.R. Constant: Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Medical Lawyer, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge Dr. Marthe Everard: WHO, Technical Officer, Essential Drugs and Medicines Vicki Ehrich: Director of External Relations HIV/AIDS GlaxoSmithKline, South Africa David Earnshaw: Brussels European Union Office of Oxfam International Workshops Nathan Ford: Increasing Access to Medicines: Campaigning for Change Dr. Marthe Everard: WHO Dr. J.M. Boon: Access to Healthcare: A Rural South African Perspective Dr Boon a Family Physician from Mamelodi Hospital, Pretoria, South Africa. He showed us pictures of the hospital and some gory photos of patients. Dr. Keith Brent: CPR in Schools This paediatrician is hoping to send medical students into schools to teach CPR as at present it is not part of the National Curriculum. It hasnt been set up anywhere yet, but it is on its way and Im sure Im going to hear more as he has got my email! MedSIN: China Project MedSIN: Running MedSIN: How to Keep your Group Going MedSIN Sheffield: The Sign Project: Deaf Awareness and Learning Sign Language David Earnshaw: Access to Essential Medicines Mike Rowson: Debt: It's Not Over Yet Speaking on behalf of the political pressure group Medact Mike Rowson gave a brief history of world economics to explain how westernised countries, on the back of their wealth, supported many third world countries with low interest loans. However as aresult of the oil crisis in the seventies and the consequential world wide recession most of the borrowing countries have been left with such a large degree of debt that they cannot even make interest payments and show no signs of ever being able to do so. Recently the leaders of the G7 nations acknowledged that much more iss needed to be done in thehopes of providing debt relief in the third world. However only 5 out of 40 eligible countries have received debt relief. Thus the campaign continues..... Simon Janes: Organising IFMSA Exchanges Nidhi Gupta: Calcutta Village Project or Corruption MedSIN Nottingham: Kenyan Orphan Project Neil Datta: Homelessness in London and the UCL workshop Sunday 4th November How Is Healthcare Compromised During War And Conflict? Chair: Dr. Nancy Tokola Dr. Dirk Jan Pot: Medecins du Monde - Involved, Not Involved: The Challenge of Conflict for a Doctor Jean-Michel Piedagnel: MSF-UK Director - Experiences from the Field Dr. Michael Wilks: BMA - Obstacles to Quality Care for Asylum Seekers: A Medical Perspective Different Philosophies Of Healthcare: How Do People From Different Backgrounds Access Healthcare? Dr. Scambler: Identifying Access Needs - Director, Unit of Sociology, Department of Psychiatry Dr. Mala Rao: Ethnic Minorities - Director of Public Health, South Essex Dr. Bob Leckridge: The Philosophy of the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital Workshops Jean-Michel Piedagnel: MSF- Conflict and Health Dr. Eva Gamarnikow: Access to Healthcare: A Human Rights Perspective Dr. Bob Leckridge: Exploring Complementary Therapies Dr. Dirk Jan Pot: Medicins du Monde - Medicine in the Field: How to Adapt your Practice Dr. Nancy Tokola: Palliative care: Cultural Diversity and Traditional and Complementary Therapies Nancy Tokola; Palliative Care An overview of folklore, orthodox, complementary and traditional medicine wrt to pain relief. Very interesting; her presenattion will be on the medSIN website soon. My favorite quote was from a folklore; A remedy for constipation pain was a type of stomach 'rid the body of residing the evil octopus'!!! Medicsworld: Electives Talk Dr. Mala Rao: Opportunities for Improving Access to Healthcare Dr. Catherine Hewitt: Running a General Practice for Homeless People Dr. Graham Scambler: Multiculturalism MedSIN: IFMSA exchanges Summary: One of the main aims of MedSIN in the coming years is to get IFMSA exchanges set up in every medical school in the country. The exchanges take place during clinical SSMs for one month. The co-ordinators will be sending more information on how to set them up and since it has already been done in several medical schools already there are templates for letters we can use. David Wetherall: Skillshare Presentation about Skillshare and how returning development workers could be utilised as resources for interested medical students such as us for information about their particular projects and healthcare in the developing countries. Skillshare places medical proffessionals for one or two years in communities who need assistance in rebuilding (eg after a period of famine or war) or establishing health care centres, clinics, immunisation units etc.